About Simply Em

Hey! My name is Emily, but because we're friends now, you can call me Em. I started this little business in 2020, when I was bored and wanted to test the waters with clay earrings. My side hobby has since turned into this small business, which is by proxy becoming an outlet for myself as I navigate entering the mental health field as a professional. 

This has become a passion project, a way to stretch my creative skills, push myself to try new things, and dedicate time to something that isn't guaranteed to always work out. 

I am from Colorado, and so my love for nature and simplicity translate into a lot of what I create; It's like a granola meets beachy vibes with 90s influences over here! Super funky, super fun, and just... well... Simply Em. 

I hope you can have some fun window shopping my creations, and maybe, getting something that will help you craft your own unique style and vibe. 

Welcome to this world of Em, the creative and playful side that has as much room as it needs to thrive.